Why do we need Empathy?
Following the funding motto of European identity ‘equal in diversity´, the project EMPATHY supports the prevention of instances and attitudes of racism, xenophobia and intolerance through actions devoted to orientation, integration and inclusion based on non-formal education methods, leading to empathic attitudes of EU citizens towards diversity in general.
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EMPATHY: Fostering intercultural dialogue
A project against racism, xenophobia and intolerance through actions for orientation, integration and inclusion, leading to empathic attitudes of EU citizens towards diversity in general.
Our Mission
EMPATHY will design, test, evaluate, validate and scale-up a new methodology of integration of newly arrived young migrants into local communities based on the direct involvement and engagement with groups of local youth.
Our Vision
“looking at the world through other people’s eyes”
EMPATHY proposes an educational path involving both migrants and local youth in order to lead them to become agents of attitude-change within their communities.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
Who we are
Five organizations in four European countries are collaborating and implementing the EMPATHY Project together. Find out more about each of these organizations in the section on "Who we are".
Project School
helps organisations and individuals to discover and enhance their capacity to create social impact for people and communities.
Fondazione Empatia Milano
(FEM) acts to 'spread empathy among its citizenry' through innovative and cultural projects. Find a short video produced by FEM that explains what is empathy: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1477852992334333
Brasov’s Migrant Integration Center
has become a model for other NGOs in Romania acting in the field of migrant integration through its tradition in assisting migrants integrate in the Romanian society.
The intercultural association Babelia was founded in 2004 as an intermediary between migrants and host community. We are committed to multiculturalism and strive to promote intercultural coexistence.
Pro Arbeit - Kreis Offenbach - (AöR)
is a public institution and acting as a job centre in the County of Offenbach (Hesse, Germany) since 2005. In the Empathy project Pro Arbeit will be mainly responsible for project management.

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